Our True Voice are the eyes and ears of the communities that drive the ECID programme.

They are our network of community reporters sharing first-hand accounts of the challenges and solutions of social exclusion.

Challenging COVID-19 scenes from Dangamvura cemetery

Brian Damba


Reporting topics:

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads we asked marginalised communities about their experiences of Covid-19. Brian, from Mutare ward 17 shares a challenging account of his experience of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic at Dangamvura cemetery, Mutare in January 2021. 

In Mutare, Covid 19 has run rampant, and people are dying. Dangamvura cemetery is overwhelmed due to high death rates due to Covid-19. 

A caterpillar machine is there to help dig graves as people can’t cope with the pressure. This is a sign that more people are dying of Covid-19 here in Mutare. 

If the situation remains like this, the cemetery will be full anytime, this might force the authorities to bury people in a one big hole similar to those who died of cholera.

I hope and pray that will not happen. Stay safe and remember to practice social distancing, always wear a mask in public places. Covid-19 is real.