Our True Voice are the eyes and ears of the communities that drive the ECID programme.

They are our network of community reporters sharing first-hand accounts of the challenges and solutions of social exclusion.


Elliot Mugande


Reporting topics:
Women, people with disabilities, Covid-19, livelihoods


  1. Challenges of COVID-19 isolation expose vulnerable elders to the virus

    In many countries, the bigger focus of the coronavirus pandemic has been the protection of elderly members and those with underlying medical conditions. As seen globally, the elderly are more at risk of dying from the virus. But one challenge that many families are grappling with is isolation from older family members by those confirmed…

    Elliot Mugande

  2. Children forced to fend for their families

    In most districts of Zimbabwe, a lot of girls have dropped out of school with some married off at an early age and others turning to commercial sex work to eke a living. This is mostly because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which has worsened pre-existing inequalities. The vulnerability of young girls in particular, has…

    Elliot Mugande

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  3. COVID-19 disrupts NGO programs in several communities as the vulnerable suffer the brunt

    Loveness Munsima is a 21-year-old woman from the Binga district. She has a disabled 4-year-old daughter whose father is far away in Bulawayo and is jobless. Munsima is not employed. She has no source of income. Opportunities are scarce. Her daughter requires special attention and it pains her that she is not able to provide…

    Elliot Mugande

    Photo of Loveness with her Child seated in a wheelchair in front of her
  4. The death of a husband leaves his family desperate in the midst of COVID-19

    From Binga, Zimbabwe, Eliot Mugande, is a Community Reporter for the ECID Programme in Zimbabwe. He presents a chilling account of how COVID-19 has turned an otherwise happy home into one of sorrow due to the pandemic.  Anna Siamwinga is a mother of 4 children. She lost her husband to COVID-19 last year in Bulawayo.…

    Elliot Mugande

    Portrait of Elliot Mugande, Community Reporter based in Binga, Zimbabwe