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Covid-19 lockdown increases theft in parts of Mutasa, Zimbabwe, due to unemployment

Kudzwai Terera


Reporting topics:
Covis-19, violence, unemployment

Despite the importance of COVID-19 measures such as lockdowns in the control and the spread of the virus, lockdowns have negatively influenced theft, especially among daily income earners. ECID Community Reporter, Kudzwai Terera, based in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe, tells the story of how COVID-19 lockdown measures have emboldened burglars in some parts of Zimbabwe.

Mutasa District ward 31, Hauna growth point, there is an increase in unemployment among the youth. Unemployment increased at the beginning of the lockdown and the cases of theft keep increasing by the day. Unemployment is causing young men to get involved in stealing to fend for their families.

A young woman who resides in Hauna phase 2 complained saying these thieves are not even afraid of people because last week one of the thieves peeped through their window to see if there was someone at home in broad daylight. The thief took to his heels after the residents in the house shouted thief! Thief!

The next morning, another woman reported her stolen foodstuffs including cooking oil and soap from her. The AFM Church in Hauna phase 1, also reported some items that have been stolen from the church building: keyboard, mixer, drinks, some biscuits, as well as fabrics used for decoration at the church.